
  • Adonay Guedes Cirino Faculdade de Nutrição - FANUT/UFAL
  • Wendell Costa Melo Filho Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Maria Beatriz Leal de Lima Ferreira Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Esther Cândido da Silva
  • Larissa de Oliveira Soares Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes
  • Monica Lopes de Assunção Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Tacy Santana Machado
  • Myrtis Katille de Assunção Bezerra Universidade Federal de Alagoas


Breastfeeding; Exclusive Maternal Breastfeeding; Social Media; Health Education; Online Social Networks.


Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of using social media as professional support tools for breastfeeding. Methods: A systematic review of the literature on randomized clinical trials involving women during pregnancy and the postpartum period, subjected to health education strategies through social media that could positively contribute to an increase in breastfeeding prevalence. Results: A total of 64 articles were identified; however, 60 did not meet the eligibility criteria. Thus, 4 studies were selected. All included articles showed an increase in breastfeeding prevalence in the intervention group, demonstrating the feasibility of providing support to breastfeeding mothers and encouraging the continuation of this practice in the postpartum period. Conclusion: Health education activities through social media, facilitated by technological advancements, represent an effective tool for healthcare professionals in the fight against early weaning.


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How to Cite

Cirino, A. G., Filho, W. C. M., Ferreira, M. B. L. de L. ., da Silva, E. C., Soares, L. de O., de Assunção, M. L., … Bezerra, M. K. de A. (2024). EFFICACY OF EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTIONS CONDUCTED VIA SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THE PROMOTION OF BREASTFEEDING: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW: REVISÃO SISTEMÁTICA. Gep News, 7(3), 37–54. Retrieved from https://seer.ufal.br/index.php/gepnews/article/view/16330


