Tele-nursing in breastfeeding care: integrative review.



  • Andrea Macedo Pires


nursing; telehealth; breastfeeding


Introduction: Breastfeeding is a physiological and economic tool that generates positive results for both mother and baby. However, even though it is a natural process, breastfeeding often becomes a complex moment in which several technical, social, cultural and emotional issues are involved. Method: Search in indexed databases Virtual Health Library using the descriptors: health, digital, nursing, breastfeeding and telemedicine. Articles in English, Spanish or Portuguese were included. Results: 5 articles were found, all of which were considered for analysis. Discussion: It was observed that the use of interactive monitoring (by telephone, applications, among others) for nursing assistance in breastfeeding is a promising intervention to improve duration, exclusivity, intensity of breastfeeding and decrease symptoms of postpartum depression . Conclusion: Technologies that facilitate access and communication between professionals and patients provide better results during care and after hospital discharge and contribute to breastfeeding.


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How to Cite

Pires, A. M. (2024). Tele-nursing in breastfeeding care: integrative review.: REVISÃO INTEGRATIVA. Gep News, 7(3), 90–100. Retrieved from


