Decentralizing the follow-up and treatment of people living with HIV: Validation of a quick reference guide for management in Primary Health Care
Introduction: Primary Health Care plays a central role in the care of People Living with HIV but faces difficulties in decentralizing antiretroviral treatment (ART). Objective: To describe the process of developing and validating a quick reference guide for the treatment and follow-up of people living with HIV by doctors in PHC. Methods: A quick reference guide was developed and evaluated by experts in the field using the Delphi method with a Likert scale and open-ended comments. To determine the proportion of agreement between raters, the index of content validity was used for each item individually (I-IVC) and for the entire guide (S-IVC/Ave). Results: Three runs were required to achieve a minimum agreement of 0.95 (S-IVC/Ave). Five reviewers participated who had an average of 18.6 years of experience in caring for people living with HIV (median 25 years) and an average of 17.6 years of experience in working with public policies on this topic. The items with the lowest I-IVC scores were “Assessment of person's readiness to start ART” (I-IVC 0.2) and “Prophylaxis” (I-IVC 0.2). Conclusions: The development of the guideline prompted relevant discussions and enabled the validation of material with practical applicability in the care of People Living with HIV. This text is the result of the Professional Master's Degree in Family Health (PROFSAÚDE).
Keywords: Primary Health Care; HIV Infection; Integrality in Health.
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