Exploring social challenges in Primary Health Care: an experience report with Participatory Rapid Estimation
Introduction: In the current context, Primary Health Care needs to respond to the ever-changing needs of people and communities. Participatory Rapid Estimation has been shown to be a strategy that can be used to identify social problems and needs. Methods: This report describes the use of the Participatory Rapid Estimation technique by a team from the Family Health Strategy in a community in northern Piauí from November to December 2022. Results: The technique uncovered social problems and needs in the team's catchment area, such as: lack of water supply, lack of sanitation facilities, difficulties in accessing medical appointments with queues in the early morning hours, and lack of information about autism. The use of questionnaires highlighted problems previously unnoticed by the team. The “tree of problems and solutions” approach facilitated the analysis and the development of strategies to mitigate the problems. Conclusions: The importance of the tool for identifying social problems in Primary Health Care is evident. It is crucial that professionals in this field engage in a continuous process of improvement and updating, always seeking innovation to improve the quality of the services provided. This text is the result of the stricto sensu postgraduate program Professional Master's Degree in Family Health (PROFSAÚDE).
Keywords: Primary Health Care; Family Health Strategy; Territorialization in Primary Health Care
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