Controllership Functions: A Study with Micro and Small Accounting Companies
This study sought to identify which controllership functions are adopted as a means of aiding the management of accounting firms in the state of Paraíba. Regarding the methodological procedures, the study is characterized as being of a descriptive and exploratory nature, with the adoption of the survey research as an investigation criterion. A total of 327 responses were obtained and the data were initially tabulated using Excel and later descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data obtained. The article presents, as a research limitation, the strategy adopted since it is based on the respondents' perception of the topic. In this way, subjective aspects present can direct the respondent to situations that do not reflect the reality of the company. With regard to the profile of the companies, it can be observed that they are micro and small companies with a family administrative tradition and that, for the most part, there is no formal controllership structure. Considering the controllership functions adopted by service providers in the state of Paraíba, it can be observed that it is still very incipient and the most used function is the accounting function.Downloads
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Contabilidade, Controladoria e Finanças