Gesture and expression


  • Ana Rita Nicoliello Lara Leite UFMG



Gesture, Expression, Gravity


Based on Hubert Godard's observation that it is the gesture that produces the body, this article explores the
genetic process es of corporeality based on the category of gesture. From a non essentialist philosophical
perspective, I tried to understand, with the support of philosophers, anthropologists and dance theorists, what
gesticulation means and how the gesture is constitute d as the somatic dimension of existence, implying not
only the physical anatomic functional scope of the body, but, more deeply, the symbolic and expressive scope.
For this reason, dance, as an artistic and epistemological field that explores, not only the pure movement of the
body, but the gesture that produces it, is a privileged domain of research that can illuminate a general
anthropology of gesture.


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Author Biography

Ana Rita Nicoliello Lara Leite, UFMG

Doutoranda em Filosofia pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia da FAFICH-UFMG (BR), com pesquisa subsidiada pela CAPES. Dançarina e professora de dança.


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Antropologia do Gesto