The Saharaui tea ceremony, a set of daily gestures


  • Soledad Rangel Ubaldo ENAH



Mimicry, Gesture, Intussusception, Rhythm, Saharaui


The present work is a description of the gestures of the Saharawi tea ceremony framed in the fundamental principles of the anthropology of the gesture and the mimicry of Marcel Jousse translated into Spanish by Gabriel Bourdin Rivero and Leonor Teso Gentile. The tea ceremony is a set of daily gestures among the Sahrawis in the refugee camps, from Tindouf in the Algerian Sahara, where hospitality and social cohesion are achieved with rounds of three glasses of tea. The life of the Sahrawis seen in the tea ceremony forms a perfect circle with their universe; the grains of sugar interspersed with the desert sand, the dark and bright amber in the crystal glasses seem to be the result of the soft orange sand with the green leaves of the tea, the tea that surprisingly comes to refresh the 60ºC of the scorching sun.


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BOURDIN, Gabriel. Estudio preliminar. El estilo oral, programa general de investigación de la antropología joussiana. En: JOUSSE, Marcel. Estudios de psicología lingüística. El estilo oral rítmico y mnemotécnico entre los verbo-motores. Trad. de Gabriel Bourdin. 1ª Edición. Ciudad de México: Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas UNAM, 2020. p. 54-82.

SIENAERT, Edgard. In search of coherence. Introducing Marcel Jousse’s anthropology of mimism. Trad. e intr. de Edgard Sienaert, Pickwick, Eugene, 2016.





Antropologia do Gesto