Memórias de Sotão: poetics of the body and videoperformance


  • Miquéias Silva Queiroz Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia
  • Leonardo da Silva Souza Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia



Videoperformance, Poetics of the body, Memories, Social distancing


The present text addresses issues related to processes of vulnerability during social distancing caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the videoperformance entitled "Memórias de Sótão". In this article, we consider the body as the subject of transient actions within the home space, which consequently allowed an examination of new impacts on everyday life, such as the emergence of the perception of fear, violence, stress, anxiety, or the limitation of a simple daily routine. The work incorporates reflections from Willoughby Sharp on the pioneering nature of video art and video performance, highlighting artists like Vito Acconci and Chris Burden, who explore power relations over the body. Similarly, Eleonora Fabião portrays the search for the experience of creating the performative body and a body-in-experience through processes of disarticulation. The dialogues and results of the videoperformance, along with reflections on video art, reveal new perspectives on body experiences and the influence of the domestic space on interpersonal perceptions, contributing to a profound understanding of social impacts. The text concludes by addressing the studies of Carminda André, focusing on the potential of the artist-educator-performer beyond large museum and gallery systems, emphasizing a commitment to aesthetic, poetic, and artistic-pedagogical education in school spaces.


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