Laroyê Exu: The Celebration of Exu at the TUCAM Afro-Descendant Institute


  • Thiago Guimarães Azevedo Universidade do Estado do Pará



Umbanda, Religião, Afrobrasileira, Entidade, Exu


This photographic essay aims to document the celebrationfor Exu at the Afro-descendant Institute Templo de Umbanda Cabocla Mariana - TUCAM. Exu is consideredan entity of the border between light and darkness, actingas a messenger and protector of those who seek his help. The development of this work was done through directobservation, through photographic and audiovisual records, as a way to identify aspects of both the gesturesand the ritual that involves the celebration. The Umbanda developed by the TUCAM Institute is a mixture betweenthe Classical Umbanda and the Tambor de Mina Maranhanse, this line is called Umbanda Cruzada. Thisphotoethnographic work represents the long-termdevelopment with the Institute.


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