Neoconservatism and political work in Argentina
Anthropology of the State, Neoliberalism, Democracy, Bureaucratization, Argentine PoliticsAbstract
Neoliberalism as a form of subjectivation that promotes atomizing solutions to social problems is intimately linked to neoconservatism’s political project and elitist attacks against social rights and the public. This article is devoted to an anthropological analysis of schemes that justify power by presenting its relations as of legal and/or economic necessity. The analysis focuses on the current context of the crisis of democracy and advance of the hegemonic reorientation of right-wing neoconservatism in Argentina. With an aim of contributing to the Anthropology of the State, the article offers an approach to the relations between legitimacy, legality and legibility in the production and legitimation of a techno-bureaucratic governance centered on the hermeneutics of the crisis.
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