Kalungas: Bantu Female Strength in Poços do Lunga


  • Liliana Parra-Valencia Universidade de São Paulo




Feminism, Quilombo, Photography, Umbanda


The photographic essay Kalungas: Bantu Female Strength in Poços do Lunga is inspired by the meeting with quilombola women from their territory and from Palácio de Ogum, an Umbanda terreiro, since 2021, as a product of post-doctoral research at the Ethnopsychology Laboratory of the University of São Paulo - Ribeirão Preto (USP-RP) and the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) on Afroepistemologies in Améfrica (García, 2018; Gonzalez, 1988). The essay shares the experience of black female strength in the ritual, musical and family-community spaces of the quilombo, which takes us back to the ancestry rooted in the Kalunga’ s strength. That inhabits and expresses itself in ceremonial songs/dances, care/health practices and in the making of calunguinhas that embody knowledge and wisdom from which women protect as their ancestral guardians related to medicinal plants, healthcare, textile crafts, leadership, community strengthening and Afrodiasporic spirituality.


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