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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the About the Journal page.

Author Guidelines


The articles submitted to the Cadernos Pedagógicos Journal  should be the product of scientific research or experiences in the professional or academic field that prove to be original, unpublished and not submitted to other journals with explicit statement of the author about such veracity.

1) Formatting

The texts must be generated in Word or Open Office, with the following format: A4 format paper, 3 cm top and left margins, 2.0 cm bottom and right margins, 1.0 cm paragraph indent (first line); Times New Roman 12 font; 1.5 space between lines and pagination

The use of italics in the body of the text should only be used for foreign words. To present the elements that make up the article, use the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) in force:

NBR 6022, 2003 - Information and documentation - Article in printed scientific periodical publication - Presentation;

NBR 6023, 2002 - Information and documentation - References - Elaboration;

NBR 6024, 2012 - Information and documentation - Progressive numbering of the sections of a written document - Presentation;

NBR 6028, 2003 - Information and documentation - Abstracts - Presentation;

NBR 10520, 2002 - Information and documentation - Citations in documents - Presentation;

NBR 14724, 2011 - Information and documentation - Academic works - Presentation

BRAZILIAN INSTITUTE OF GEOGRAPHY AND STATISTICS. Tabular presentation rules. 3. ed. Rio de Janeiro, 1993.

Submitted works that do not comply with the aforementioned rules will be rejected by the Editorial Committee.

2) Structure

Article /

  1. a) the number of sheets of articles must not exceed twenty (20);
    b) the works must have the following sequence:

On the cover page:

- the title and subtitle (if any) in Portuguese  and English, (not exceeding 100 characters)

- The complete affiliation of all authors (full name, background, position and / or function, institutional link (institution, unit, department, place of origin), address, telephone and e-mail address) must come in a supplementary document, therefore, incorporated in the article document to preserve blind peer review.

The first page of the text must include:

- the full title of the article in Portuguese  and English, abstract in Portuguese and abstract (English) of up to 150 words.

- below the abstract  abstract there must be up to five (05) keywords, Keywords and keywords respectively, which should reflect in the best possible way the content covered in the work.

- text (introduction, development and conclusion);

- explanatory notes (if any);

- References;

- Images must be sent with a resolution of 300dpi.

Review article

Review texts must follow the same article structure as previously indicated.


The number of sheets should not exceed ten (10).
The works must present the following sequence:

- Title;
- Keywords (maximum of 03 words);
- Presentation clarifying the relevance and origin of the documents;
- Text.

3) General presentation rules

All material must be structured as follows:

  1. a) the texts must be sent after a rigorous spelling, grammatical and standardization revision;
    b) regarding citations, it is required to use the author-data system, according to NBR 10520 (2002), with the following guidelines:

- when the author's surname is included in the sentence, it must be written only with the first capital letter, followed by the year of publication and the citation page, in this case, when it is a direct citation, from the respective source used.

Examples: Freire (2009, p. 7), Freire and Matos (2009, p. 7), Freire, Matos and Campos (2009, p. 7) or Freire et al. (2009, p. 7), the latter, when it has more than three authors.

In indirect citations, the indication of the page number is optional, as an example: Freire (2009) or Freire (2009, p. 7);

- when the author's last name is not included in the sentence, the author (s) and the year must be placed in parentheses.

Examples: (Freire, 2009, p. 7), (Freire; Matos, 2009, p. 7), (Freire; Matos; Campos, 2009, p. 7), (Freire et al., 2009, p. 7);

- citations containing up to three (3) lines will not be highlighted with the indentation, and must remain with the same source of the text and in double quotation marks, indicating the source and the page consulted when it is a direct quotation;

- citations of more than three (3) lines must be highlighted with a 4.0 cm indentation from the left margin, using the same font as the text, but in size ten (10), single-spaced (1.0) and without quotation marks doubles, when direct quotation;

- citations in a foreign language must be translated into the language of the text, indicating the translation credits, after the quotation call, as an example: (Costa, 2010, p. 10, our translation);

- the end point of the quote must come after the end of the sentence, before, therefore, parentheses. Example: The scope of educational processes is broader and is essential to social cohesion and the fulfillment of people in contemporary society. (Gatti, 2013, p. 677).

  1. c) do not use Latin expressions (Id., Ibid .., op. cit. etc.) in the text, except apud (quoted by) and et al. (and others). Examples: Demo (2012 apud Costa, 2010, p. 10) or (Demo, 2012 apud Costa, 2010, p. 10);
    d) Whatever the type of illustration, its identification appears at the top, preceded by the designative word (drawing, scheme, flowchart, photograph, graphic, map, organization chart, plan, picture, portrait, figure, image, among others), followed by its order number in the text, in Arabic numerals, dash and the respective title. After the illustration, at the bottom, indicate the source consulted (mandatory element, even if it is the author's own production), caption, notes and other information necessary for your understanding (if any).

Each image of the text (figure, illustration, photograph, etc.) must also be sent through the submission system in * .jpg or * png format and with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

  1. e) equations and formulas should be highlighted in the text, if necessary, numbered in parentheses, for example, x2 + y2 = z2 (1)
    f) the tables must be standardized according to the tabular presentation rules of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.
    g) the notes, of explanatory character and numbered sequentially, must appear after the conclusion of the text, eliminating the footnote resources;
    h) references should contain only the authors cited in the paper, presented at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, according to the NBR 6023/2002 standards and justified to the left. The following are examples of the most used documents:


The essential elements are: author (s), title, edition, place, publisher and date of publication.

Freire, P. R. N. Pedagogy of the oppressed. 4. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Peace and Earth, 1977.

In documents with more than three (03) authors: when there are more than three authors, only the first is indicated, adding the expression et al.

Mizukami, M. da G. N. et al. School and teaching learning: research and training processes. São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2006.

Book chapter:

The essential elements are: Author (s), title of the part, followed by the expression “In:”, and the complete reference of the monograph as a whole. At the end of the reference, pagination or other form of individualization of the referenced part must be informed.

Berger, P. L .; Berger, B. Socialization: how to be a member of society. In: Foracchi, M. M .; Martins, J. de S. M. (Org). Sociology and society. São Paulo: Technical and Scientific Books, 1994. p. 200-214.


The essential elements are: author (s), title of the part, article or matter, title of publication, place of publication, numbering corresponding to volume and / or year, issue or number, initial and final pagination and year of publication.

Ferreira, C .; Alencoao, A .; Vasconcelos, C. The use of modeling in science teaching: a study with geological models. Science & Education, Bauru, v. 21, n. 1, p. 31-48, 2015.


In theses, dissertations or other academic works, the type of document (thesis, dissertation, course conclusion work, etc.), the degree, academic affiliation, place and date of the defense, mentioned in the sheet approval (if any).

Pasquali, M. B. Youth and participation: the meanings of the youth experience in two municipal schools in Campinas - SP. 2014. 156 f. Dissertation (Master in Education) - Federal University of São Carlos, Sorocaba, 2014.

Digital document (online):

In the case of works consulted online, information about the electronic address, presented between the <> signs, preceded by the expression Available at: and the date of access to the document, preceded by the expression Access at:

Vallés Herrero, J .; Juste Pérez, R. The functions of the social educator: validation of the CFES-R questionnaire. Bordón, Madrid, v. 67, n. 2, 2015. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 17 abr. 2015.

When used, statistical methods need to be described in the necessary detail to allow access to the original data and verification of the results presented by a reader versed in the subject; at the same time, excessively technical language should be avoided and presented with sufficient clarity in order to favor the understanding of an unskilled reader. Such a request to the authors requires measures such as: seeking, whenever possible, to quantify the results and presenting them with the corresponding indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (for example, confidence intervals); avoid relying only on statistical inference tests, which do not convey relevant quantitative information; discuss the eligibility of the experimentation units; provide detailed information about randomization and observations; discuss the reasonableness of the results and report possible limitations of the method used; specify the computer programs used; restrict tables and figures to the amount needed to explain the article's reasoning and its solidity; avoid tables with many topics and duplication of data; define statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols used in the article.

Analysis and approval of articles and other works

All works must avoid any mention of the authors and eliminate data within the text (self-references in the text and references).

Only unpublished texts are accepted. In addition, texts should not be evaluated simultaneously by another publication.

Failure to comply with this rule will result in the impossibility of being published again in the future.

If the research developed or the publication of the article may raise doubts about potential conflicts of interest, the author must declare in a final note that no links to funding bodies, as well as to commercial or political institutions, have been omitted. Likewise, mention should be made of the institution to which the author is eventually linked, or which has collaborated in the execution of the study, showing that there are no conflicts of interest with the result presented here. It is also necessary to inform that the interviews and experiments involving human beings followed the ethical procedures established for scientific research.

All text submitted for publication is previously analyzed by the editor and, if it meets the scope of the journal, forwarded by the Editorial Board for review to at least two peer reviewers, who will analyze it according to criteria defined by the Editorial Board. The article will be returned to the author (s) if the rapporteurs suggest changes and / or corrections. In case of divergence of opinions, the text will be forwarded to a third rapporteur, for arbitration. The publication of the work implies the full assignment of copyright to the Journal.

Partial or total reproduction of articles and published materials is not permitted without mentioning the source.

The contents conveyed in the texts are the responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily coincide with the point of view of the Editor or the Editorial Board of the journal. At the discretion of the Editorial Board, critical articles, defenses and / or comments on articles published in the journal may be accepted.



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