Physiotherapy performance against male sexual dysfunctions: erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation
Male sexual dysfunctions are changes in the working of the male genital system, causing functional deficits. Among the most common dysfunctions are: erectile dysfunction (ED), which is defined as a persistent incompetence to initiate and maintain a satisfactory erection, which allows for sufficient sexual performance; and premature ejaculation (PE), which is detailed as the difficulty of retaining ejaculation, and/or maintaining it for more than a minute during penetration or in the face of another form of sexual stimulation. In detriment to the problems of sexual dysfunction, men have been looking for alternatives to alleviate the symptoms, making use of legal and illegal drugs, causing damage to their health, leading to drug addiction and even death. Thinking from this perspective, the performance of physiotherapy in the face of these dysfunctions is extremely necessary in order to reestablish the functional framework of men in a safe and efficient way, prioritizing non-medication and conventional care. Therefore, the general objective of this monograph is to understand the physical therapy performance in male sexual dysfunctions and its specific objectives are to observe the performance of physical therapy in erectile dysfunction and to analyze the physical therapy treatment in premature ejaculation. In this course conclusion work, done between August and October 2020, an integrative review was used as methodology in which the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) were applied, such as: ‘sexual dysfunction’, ‘men’, ‘physical therapy’, limited to the Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, studies with human beings, themes in accordance to this work and the texts in full, with time restrictions from 2010 to 2020, for articles, and having consultations done in the databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO, 2 articles), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline, 307 articles/PubMed, 243 articles), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS, 7 articles), Virtual Health Sciences Library (VHL, 320 articles). The results found were positive and efficient, since the performance of physiotherapy in the face of these dysfunctions show promising effects in the reestablishment of the functional framework, when the use of kinesiotherapy, electrotherapy, vacuotherapy and low-intensity shock wave therapies have been effective improvement of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. It was concluded that, in the final considerations, it was noteworthy to observe that the performance of physiotherapy in pelvic health is efficient and effective, because, through anamnesis, physical examination, tests and functional scales, it will evaluate the patient individually and empathetically, to use their own resources and indicated for each patient, aiming to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve penile flow, improving satisfactory sexual performance and restoring quality of life, self-esteem and biopsychosocial health for patients and family.