The importance of Teacher education in the face of the perspectives of diversity: in search of an egalitarian society
This work addresses the need for teacher training in which socio-cultural differences in the current scenario are considered, aiming to achieve a broader view of what is called interculturality, in which the foundations of ethics and otherness are present. , seeking the construction of an egalitarian educational context, with the strengthening of respect for the human person, regardless of their condition of race, gender, ethnicity, based on the assumption that equality is made, among other prisms, in respect for diversity. By choosing methodologically the qualitative research, more specifically the bibliographic review, the relevance of the theme was presented so that one can have the awakening to a new thinking of the teacher and, consequently, a new way of carrying out actions, which deserve be guided by a citizenry, capable of giving a new meaning to the current educational, political and social conjunctures.Downloads
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