Education, Media and Media Processes: report of a formative experience in the Fundamentals of Education discipline of PPGED/UFS
In the second term of 2020, the Education Post-Graduation Program of the Federal University of Sergipe offered a discipline called Fundamentals of Education, mandatory to the Mastership course. The purpose of the discipline was to discuss some relevant themes to the academic formation. This group chose the theme “Education, Media and Media Processes”, elaborating a presentation that constituted relevant positions and reflections for subjects involved in the discipline. Therefore, the concepts of Media-Education, Teacher Education, Emergency Remote Education were approached. Thus, the work aims to analyze the contributions of the disciplines to the use of media in education. This work was carried out with interactive media activities, oral questionnaires, writings and collective debates. After the activities in the class, it was reported that there is still an evident lack of training for teachers in the use of the media.Downloads
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