Health and Democracy in Brazil in Times of Pandemic by Covid-19


  • Matheus Ribeiro Bizuti Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
  • Maria Eneida de Almeida Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul



Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, the Brazilian State was faced with an intense political, social, economic and sanitary weakening that for years had been camouflaged in the eyes of the population. It is not new that different societies face pandemic situations, from the Justinian Plague in 541 AD to the crisis of the new Coronavirus, made official in 2020. Amidst the crises, the survival of democracy and the public system of health, conditions that were hard won by society. Thus, reaffirming that democracy is health is part of the dignified condition of citizens. Thus, it is imperative to reflect on how the human being, holder of freedom and democracy, made use of this same freedom in order to be able to destroy it in the face of the political and health crisis experienced by the pandemic Brazil.


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How to Cite

Matheus Ribeiro Bizuti, & Maria Eneida de Almeida. (2021). Health and Democracy in Brazil in Times of Pandemic by Covid-19. Revista Portal: Saúde E Sociedade, 6(Fluxo contínuo), e02106047.