COVID-19 in the state of Alagoas-Brazil: epidemiological data one year after the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign started

COVID-19 in the state of Alagoas-Brazil: epidemiological data one year after the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign started


  • Fernando Lima Universidade Federal de Alagoas- UFAL
  • Thadeu Roriz Silva Cruz Associação Brasileira de Odontologia de Sergipe (ABO-SE)
  • Olavo Barbosa de Oliveira Neto Universidade Federal de Alagoas- UFAL
  • George Azevedo Lemos Universidade Federal de Alagoas- UFAL
  • Fabiano Timbó Barbosa Universidade Federal de Alagoas- UFAL




The COVID-19 pandemic demanded speed in the development of vaccines to reduce the number of sicks, hospitalized and deaths from infection resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


To determine the evolution of the epidemiological data of COVID-19 in Alagoas in relation to diagnosed cases, hospitalization and deaths compared to a year before.


Using secondary data from COVID-19 in Alagoas-Brazil, an interrupted time series ecological study was carried out comparing the beginning of the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 in the state, after 26 weeks and after one year.


The results showed that there was an expressive reduction in the number of people diagnosed and of deaths, despite the increase in hospitalizations that occurred in the 26-week comparison of the start of vaccination, reductions in the lethality rate of people over 70 years old, in deaths by age group and by comorbidity, except, respectively, between 0-9 years and in the obese group.


After one year of vaccination, although the vaccination coverage can still be increased, and the existence of some outcomes with negative indicators, there is an improvement in most of the epidemiological indicators evaluated for this period in Alagoas can be seen


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How to Cite

Lima, F. ., Roriz Silva Cruz, T., Barbosa de Oliveira Neto, O., Azevedo Lemos, G., & Timbó Barbosa, F. (2022). COVID-19 in the state of Alagoas-Brazil: epidemiological data one year after the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign started: COVID-19 in the state of Alagoas-Brazil: epidemiological data one year after the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign started. Revista Portal: Saúde E Sociedade, 7(Fluxo contínuo), e02207006.