A brochure on the introduction of solid foods for health education in Primary Health Care in Fortaleza - CE: a field report
Introduction: The introduction of solid foods is a phase of discovery and stimulation for healthy child development. Expert advice on childcare can have a positive impact on the baby's health. Objective: To implement an intervention in a community linked to a Primary Health Care Unit in the city of Fortaleza - CE, to promote the proper introduction of solid foods. Methods: Health education classes on the introduction of solid foods to infants were offered in a childcare group, which included the Baby-Led Weaning method (BLW). A brochure on the subject was also produced and distributed to participants to clarify doubts at home. Results: The brochure was created using the Canva® application. It was used to guide mothers on the ideal time to start introducing solid foods to their babies. The experience was rated positively by all mothers. They emphasized the importance of showing pictures of the content that was presented verbally during the consultation. The handing out of information material, which can be read at home in case of doubt, was also felt to be important. Conclusions: Intervention through health education activities in a childcare group linked to a Primary Health Care Unit favors the introduction of solid foods in a comprehensive, appropriate, and healthy manner. This text is the result of the Professional Master's Degree in Family Health (PROFSAÚDE).
Keywords: Food and Nutritional Health Promotion; Infant Health; Child Care; Health Education; Primary Health Care.
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