Uber and the sharing economy

a bibliographic analysis of the impact on the taxi industry


  • José Adeilton da Silva Filho Universidade Federal de Pelotas




Uber, Sharing economy, Taxi transportation, Market impact, Ride-hailing


Uber is a taxi transportation application that has been widely discussed in the context of the sharing economy. This academic article analyzes the impact of Uber on the taxi industry, considering employment and inequality. The methodology employed is based on a literature review of selected articles from widely recognized academic databases and journals, such as JSTOR, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Articles specifically addressing the impact of Uber on the taxi industry were chosen. Recognized scientific journals with a peer-review process were taken into account. The literature review identified that Uber has had a significant impact on the transportation market, leading to a reduction in prices and an improvement in service quality. However, there have also been decreases in profits and job losses in the taxi industry. The income of taxi drivers has been negatively affected.


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Edição especial - Homenagem ao prof. André Lages