
  • Roselaine Bonfim de Almeida Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados



Matopiba, Cerrado, Agricultural Frontier


The region known as “Matopiba” is located in the Cerrado biome and is considered Brazil’s new agricultural frontier. The advancement of this agricultural frontier has been driven by the increase in commodity exports, which favors the economic sector, leaving aside the environmental impacts caused to the Cerrado biome. In this sense, this article aims to analyze the effects of agricultural expansion on the savannah of the Matopiba region, pointing out the social and environmental aspects related to the advancement of agricultural production in the region. To achieve this, descriptive research will be carried out, based on literature and secondary data. The results show that this movement brought environmental impacts, such as increased deforestation, soil degradation and desertification, which could put productivity at risk in Brazil, the leader in soybean exports. This, in addition to social impacts, such as increased regional violence, forced evictions, expropriation of traditional communities and increased land prices.


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