Macroeconomic challenges for Brazil post-covid-19


  • Reynaldo Rubem Ferreira Jr Faculty of Economics, Business, Administration and Accounting



Challenges, Interest Rates, Debt, Brazil


The objective of this article is to comprehensively investigate the adverse effects resulting from the persistent high interest rate policy in Brazil over many years. These effects have directly impacted the servicing of public debt, bringing significant negative consequences to social well-being. This situation is exacerbated by the influence of these factors on the productive sector, notably the industry, as well as on the physical, social, and technological infrastructure of the country. The concerning reality is that public debt already accounts for over 50% of public expenses, which has a pronounced impact on various key aspects of society. Therefore, it is imperative to create space for a broad and informed debate about the long-term implications of high interest rates and their influence on public debt management. Only through careful reconsideration of these policies and a strategic reshaping of financial priorities will it be possible to steer Brazil towards a scenario of sustainable economic growth and lasting social well-being.


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