A Nova Esquerda europeia e estadunidense e as ideias de Thompson e Marcuse
Based on an extensive bibliographical study, this article deals with the political phenomenon of the so-called New Left that existed in Europe and the USA between the 1950s and 1960s. Our aim is to disseminate the experiences and ideas that marked this political phenomenon. With this, we seek to contribute to the social, political and historical analysis of the left and, in particular, to expand the national academic literature on the New Left, in order to fill an important gap in the Brazilian bibliography and offer new subsidies and perspectives for understanding this important international political phenomenon. To do this, the French, British and US cases are analysed in order to illustrate the historical-political-social evolution of this heterogeneous political space, making it possible to draw parallels between these examples. At the same time, the ideas and political reflections of Thompson and Marcuse on the New Left at an international level are presented.
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