Desenvolvimento de mudas de variedades de alface em função de diferentes doses de esterco bovino e caprino



Lactuca sativa L., Hortaliça Folhosa, Adubação orgânica


Seeking to use alternatives to mineral fertilization in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L), this work aimed to evaluate the development of seedlings of four varieties of lettuce (Americana, Brunela, Crespa Verde and Moana) under different concentrations of bovine and goat manure as a source of organic fertilizer. The production of lettuce seedlings took place in a styrofoam tray system with 128 cells. The substrate used consisted of soil and two types of animal manure, with cattle and goat manure adopted as a source of organic fertilizer. The seedlings were formed using commercial lettuce seeds of the Americana, Brunela, Crespa and Moana varieties. To evaluate the responses of lettuce varieties to organic fertilization, concentrations of 0, 10, 20, 30 and 50% were used for each type of tanned manure. The adopted experimental design was completely randomized (DIC) arranged in a 4x2x5 factorial scheme, considering as factors four types of lettuce varieties, two types of animal manure and five concentrations of each manure used (v/v), with five replications. And the data submitted to the Analysis of Variance and the averages were compared with each other by the Tukey test (p≤0.05). The use of cattle and goat manure resulted in an increase in all variables analyzed in relation to the control (dose 0), regardless of the cultivated variety. In general, the 10 dose of manure was the one that best favored the development of the cultivar in all analyzed variables, however, not statistically different between the manures. Fertilization with goat manure favored the best performance of the analyzed varieties in comparison with fertilization using bovine manure.


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How to Cite

REIS, Jeremias Borges dos; SILVA, Alcilane Arnaldo; CRISTO, Crísea Cristina Nascimento de; CARDOSO ALVES, Aglair; JESUS, Fábio Nascimento de; LINO DA COSTA, Maria Eduarda; DA SILVA, João Manoel. Desenvolvimento de mudas de variedades de alface em função de diferentes doses de esterco bovino e caprino. Revista Craibeiras de Agroecologia, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.



Produção Vegetal