Teaching in the Pediatric Residence in the view of resident physicians





Medical Residency is a form of in-service training carried out from supervised patient care, under the guidance of a qualified and committed preceptorship. It is characterized as a latu sense specialization and seeks to train technically competent professionals with a high ethical and humanistic standard. This is a qualitative research, like a case study, which analyzed the Pediatric Medical Residency Program at a University Hospital in Northeast Brazil, from the residents’ perspective. Interviews were conducted with 1st and 2nd year residents, analyzed from the perspective of content analysis, being systematized in two categories: Structuring the Pediatric Medical Residence and Theoretical-practical relationship. The residents considered that the infrastructure of the practice scenarios was satisfactory and there were different fields of action. On the other hand, they considered the theoretical burden insufficient, felt the need for more courses offered by the Residency and brought anxieties and expectations in their speeches. The set of perceptions reveals flaws in the management of the program, in the planning of activities, and in the sensitization of the preceptors of the emergency scenario to support training.
Keywords: medical residency; teaching; teaching hospitals.


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Author Biography

Jeannette Barros Ribeiro Costa, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Médica Pedaitra, Mestra em Ensino na Saúde, atuante na área de neonatologia e preceptora de residência médica de Pediatria no Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes (HUPAA-UFAL). Docente da UFAL durante 2017-2018.


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How to Cite

Costa, J. B. R., Austrilino, L., & Medeiros, M. L. (2021). Teaching in the Pediatric Residence in the view of resident physicians. Revista Portal: Saúde E Sociedade, 6(Fluxo contínuo), e02106023. https://doi.org/10.28998/rpss.e02106023

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