The Brazilian medical education scenario in the Covid-19 pandemic
To analyze the scenario of the medical student in Brazil in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, seeking to identify the strategies developed to give continuity to medical education, evaluate the adaptation by students and teachers and expose the role of the student in face of changes in social reality. This is a narrative review of literature. The bibliographic survey was conducted in October 2020 in the following databases: SciELO, Lilacs and MedLine. The terms used for the search were "medical education" and "Covid-19". The inclusion criteria were scientific papers: produced in Brazil and published in national and international journals in the last year; related to the study terms, present in the title or abstract; written in Portuguese, English or Spanish; and available online as a full article and free of charge. 21 articles were selected, among which 8 were experience reports. The articles were analyzed and grouped into three thematic categories: 1 - The search for different teaching-learning strategies; 2 - The challenges and contributions of non-presential teaching; and 3 - The role of the student in face of social vulnerability in the pandemic. The elaboration of new forms of teaching in the pandemic is a very challenging task and depends on mutual cooperation among the various sectors that participate in the academic sphere, yet it is possible to ensure learning and build an environment conducive to medical training through digital inclusion, with integrating public policies. In addition, the worsening of psychological problems associated with the pandemic raises the need for emotional and pedagogical support for students.
Keywords: medical education; coronavirus infections; pandemics.
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