Monitoria na disciplina de anatomia como fator de influência na iniciação à docência e aperfeiçoamento de conteúdo: Relato de experiência


  • Lucas Miguel Gonçalves de Matos Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe
  • Leila Grisa
  • Beatriz Essenfelder Borges



ABSTRACT: monitoring programs are part of one of the many ways in which academics can record complementary hours. However, this is not limited to the experience as a student-monitor. The objective of this descriptive study, of the type of experience report, was to relate the hours of monitoring as an influence factor for the teaching exercise, besides describing how the program contributes to the improvement of the content. Through the record of what the monitoring program, afflictions, surprises and reflections were, it is evident how the challenge and responsibility contribute to the student-monitor's self-development, both as teaching initiation and safety in the study of anatomy. Assistance in the laboratory of practices, preparation of PowerPoints and help in the application of practical proof were part of the hours of monitoring. When it comes to training as a medical professional, the didactic ability and sedimentation of the content were great bonuses gained in the experience as a monitor.

Descriptors: Mentoring; Anatomy; Teaching; Higher Education; Memory Consolidation


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How to Cite

Gonçalves de Matos, L. M., Grisa, L., & Essenfelder Borges, B. (2022). Monitoria na disciplina de anatomia como fator de influência na iniciação à docência e aperfeiçoamento de conteúdo: Relato de experiência. Revista Portal: Saúde E Sociedade, 7(Fluxo contínuo), e02207005.