Family and Community Medicine and primary care in Brazil Iinterview with Prof. Dr. Leonardo Cançado Monteiro Savassi, Professor at the Federal University of Ouro Preto


  • Carla Pacheco Teixeira Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - RJ (FIOCRUZ-RJ)
  • Diana Paola Gutierrez Diaz de Azevedo Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - RJ (FIOCRUZ-RJ)



Leonardo Cançado Monteiro Savassi is a professor in the Department of Family Medicine, Community, Mental and Public Health at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP) and a member of the School of Medicine's NDE. He is currently Vice-Coordinator (2023-2025) of the Professional Master's Degree in Family Health (PROFSAÚDE) and Coordinator of UFOP's Collaboration at the Open University SUS (UNASUS) and the Center for Education Based on Informatics and Technology in Health (NEBITS). He is a member of the TOGETHER Trial Research Group and the BRAHIT Research Group, as well as Coordinator of the Health Education Research Group at UFOP. He works as a pediatrician at the GEAD Home Care Center at Unimed in Belo Horizonte/MG. He is also Director of the Publications Department of the Brazilian Society of Family and Community Medicine (SBMFC), 2022-2024 term.

Keywords: Primary Health Care; Family Practice; Brazilian Unified Health System; Medical Education


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Author Biographies

Carla Pacheco Teixeira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - RJ (FIOCRUZ-RJ)

Doutora em Saúde Coletiva pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ, mestra em Saúde Pública pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ) e graduada em Serviço Social pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) . Coordenadora Acadêmica Adjunta Nacional do PROFSAÚDE, responsável nacional pela Disciplina de Seminários de Acompanhamento e docente permanente do PROFSAÚDE. CV: / ORCID:

Diana Paola Gutierrez Diaz de Azevedo, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - RJ (FIOCRUZ-RJ)

Graduada em Enfermagem pela Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá (UNA), mestra em Educación pela Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (UMNG), Colômbia, e doutora em Cognição e Linguagem pela Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF).  Docente Permanente da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - RJ (FIOCRUZ-RJ). CV: / ORCID:



How to Cite

Teixeira, C. P., & Azevedo, D. P. G. D. de. (2024). Family and Community Medicine and primary care in Brazil Iinterview with Prof. Dr. Leonardo Cançado Monteiro Savassi, Professor at the Federal University of Ouro Preto. Revista Portal: Saúde E Sociedade, 9(Especial).

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