
  • Tiago Dias Siqueira Centro Superior de Ensino e Pesquisa (CESEP) - Machado /MG
  • Kleso Silva Franco Júnior Centro Superior de Ensino e Pesquisa (CESEP) - Machado /MG
  • Giselle Prado Brigante Centro Superior de Ensino e Pesquisa (CESEP) - Machado /MG
  • Márcio de Souza Dias Secretaria de Educação do Estado de Minas Gerais - Serrania / MG
  • Warley Santos Cajazeiro Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN) - Franca / SP.




Cafeicultura, Plantas daninhas, Resistência


The aim of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of different herbicides associated with vegetable oil in the control of sourgrass (Digitaria insularis L.) in coffee crops. The experiment was conducted from July to August 2019 in field cultivated with the ‘Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144’ coffee variety using a randomized block design (RBD). Treatments adopted were: Control (water), glyphosate (445 g/L-1) with and without vegetable oil (930 g/L-1), Clethodin (120 g/L-1) with and without vegetable oil (930 g /L-1) and Glufosinate ammonium salt (200 g/L-1) with and without vegetable oil (930 g/L-1) with 4 replicates, totaling 28 experimental plots in a 3 x 2 + 1 factorial scheme (3 Herbicides, 2 with and without vegetable oil) + control. The parameters evaluated were sourgrass death percentage (0% represented no damage and 100% complete plant death) and average number of internodes developed, with evaluations being carried out at 7, 14 and 21 days after herbicide application. Data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and, later, to the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability level. The use of Glufosinate ammonium salt and Glyphosate associated with vegetable oil at dose of 0.5% of solution were the best treatments among those used to control sourgrass in coffee crops and did not result in phytotoxicity in relation to the growth of plagiotropic branches.


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Proteção de Plantas