
  • Hezer Carvalho Machado Centro Universitário AGES
  • Núria Mariana Campos Centro Universitário AGES
  • Carlos Allan Pereira dos Santos Centro Universitário AGES



Clitoria ternatea L., Leguminous forage, Fertilizing, Seeds


Cunhã (Clitoria terneatea L.), known as Asian pigeonwings, is a leguminous forage that is widely used in agriculture and livestock, serving mainly for feeding animals, which can be consumed during grazing or later supplied as silage, which also allows the establishment of food reserves during periods of drought. In addition, the crop can also be used in the recovery of pastures in several areas and locations of the country due to its easy adaptability. The experiment was developed in Paripiranga, Bahia, being done in randomized blocks, having four treatments, being the same: T1 witness; T2 fertilization with bovine manure; T3 fertilization with goat manure; and T4 fertilization with chicken bed and using five repetitions. In the evaluations, it was to analyze the germination percentage of the seeds in a controlled environment and in the field, planted at two distinct depths, being, respectively, three and five centimeters deep, the length of the aerial part of the plants at 40 and 95 days after emergence, the dry matter also at 40 and 95 days after emergence and also the percentage of germination of the seeds produced in the experiment itself. In the first germination tests, the seeds presented high potential, germinating 91% of the seeds in a controlled environment, while in the field, the highest percentage of germination was in the planting depth of three centimeters. T1 and T4 showed higher shoot potential and dry matter yield at 40 days; at 90 days, T4 remained with higher power while T1 had the lowest results, so that was exceeded by the results of T2 and T3, and the latter two were not statistically different from each other. In the last germination test, the seeds produced in the experiment showed high quality, although they did not reach a percentage of germination as high as that one of the seeds acquired for the beginning of the experiment.


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Produção Animal