naphthaleneacetic acid;, micropropagation, Piper nigrumAbstract
Compared to propagation method via herbaceous cuttings, micropropagation presents higher multiplication rate in less space and time and better phytosanitary control, but with higher costs. The induction of the root system during the acclimatization phase is an alternative to reduce costs in the in vitro propagation system. In order to induce roots in the acclimatization phase, the effect of different NAA plant regulator concentrations on the ex vitro rooting and acclimatization for the production of black pepper seedlings was evaluated. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a 3x4 factorial scheme, with three black pepper cultivars: ‘Apra’, ‘Bragantina’ and ‘Kuthiravally’ and four NAA concentrations: 26.85, 53.70; 80.56; 134.26 μmol/L, six replicates with two plants per plot. The variables evaluated were: survival and rooting rate; roots number per shoot (RN); length of the longest root (LR); number of leaves (NL), root dry matter (RDM) leaf area and and shoot dry matter (LSDM). Data obtained for each variable were submitted to analysis of variance, considering the 3 x 4 factorial model, with three cultivars and four NAA doses, and when significant by the F test, the mean comparison test, the Tukey test (p <0.05), was applied. There was difference for variables NR, LR, NL, LSDM for the source of variation cultivar versus NAA doses, demonstrating the presence of interaction between factors and that the NAA effect depends on concentration and cultivar used, that is, the cultivar specifically responds to NAA concentration, being necessary to evaluate the results of interactions. However, for variable RDM, the difference was due to cultivar, with no interaction with NAA concentration. Shoot rooting can be induced during the acclimatization phase as a viable alternative for the three black pepper cultivars. All NAA concentrations promote rooting, but the ‘Kuthiravally’ cultivar is more sensitive to rhizogenesis, and lower concentrations are recommended to reduce production costs.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Gleyce kelly Sousa Ramos, Oriel Filgueira de Lemos, Hérica Santos de Oliveira, Orlando Maciel Rodrigue Júnior, Daniele Pereira Mendonça, Nayara Camelo de Souza

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