Caatinga, Horizontal structure, Vertical structure, Polymers, Water retentionAbstract
The availability of resources such as nutrients and water plays an important role in the development and survival of young plants, mainly those used in the recovery of degraded areas. The soil characteristics and the climatic conditions of the Brazilian semiarid show the need for constant irrigation to mitigate the difficulty of storing water. In this sense, hydrogel is able to store water and release it little by little, which can facilitate the recovery of areas undergoing a degradation process. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the irrigation frequency and the effect of hydrogel on the growth of young plants in the recovery of a degraded area in the semiarid region of Ceará. For this, 180 seedlings of 8 species native to the Caatinga were distributed into nine plots and submitted to hydrogel application with daily irrigation (T1), hydrogel application with irrigation 3 times a week (T2) and no hydrogel application with daily irrigation (T3), during six months, with continuous monitoring for vertical and horizontal growth and survival. Hydrogel application increased the growth in height and diameter, as well as the basal area. In addition, the survival rate of T1 and T2 was higher, with pioneer species being the most benefited. Thus, hydrogel application can be considered an efficient strategy aimed at the development of species in areas with water limitations such as the semiarid region of Brazil; mainly in the recovery of areas, by providing growth and survival of pioneer and native species, which will protect the soil from erosion and will support the development of other slow growing species.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Vicente Elício Porfiro Sales Goncalves da Silva, Pollyana Maria Pimentel Monte, João André Ximenes Mota, Sara Letícia Lopes de Souza Brito, Lucas da Silva, Maria Amanda Menezes Silva
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