


Sesamum indicum, Seeds of quality, Germination rate


The wide adaptability of the sesame plant to hot climate conditions, drought resistance, ease of cultivation and the concentration of oil in its seeds corroborate an option of agricultural diversification of economic potential on national and international markets, with applications in the food and cosmetic industry. Some cultivars are more sensitive than others with regard to temperature, since temperature directly interferes in seed germination. In this sense, it was aimed, in this work, to check the influence of different temperatures on the germination of sesame seeds, especially in the first count, for considering it an efficient parameter of seed vigor. The work was developed at the Plant Crop Laboratory of the University of the State of Mato Grosso located in the municipality of Cáceres - MT. For this purpose, the experiment in DIC (completely randomized design), in a 4x4 factorial scheme (temperatures 20, 25, 30 and 20-30 ° C and 4 lots), with 4 replications of 50 seeds was carried out. The germination tests, first germination count and germination speed index, in addition to the accumulated germination curve were evaluated. The sensitivity of the cultivar to temperature is observed when the results in the response of the interaction of the factors are analyzed. For cultivars BRS Seda, BRS G3, the effect between lots and temperature occurred both for germination and for the germination speed index and only the germination values for cultivar BRS Anahi. It was also stood out that the temperature of 20 °C can influence the results of the germination test in sesame seeds of the cultivars evaluated due to the delay in the beginning of germination. Thus, it follows that the temperature of 20 °C negatively affects the first count and the germination speed index. The constant temperatures of 25 and 30 ° C promote increased percentage of germinated seeds and stabilize the germination with a shorter space of time.


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