Solanum lycopersicum, Phytophthora infestans, disease control, fungicidesAbstract
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is one of the most expressive crops in the world agricultural scenario, constituting an important product for fresh and processed trade. The tomato crop is highly susceptible to diseases that cause reduced fruit yield and quality. Among these, Late blight stands out, which occurs in almost all tomato producing regions. To study the efficiency of the control of tomato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and to test the effect of different programs of combination and alternation of fungicides, an experiment was carried out in the field during the 2015/2016 harvest. Treatments for experiments were: 1 - metiram + pyraclostrobin 400 g / 100 L; 2 - mancozeb 3.0 Kg / ha; 3 - cuprous oxide 240g / 100 L; 4 - iprodione 150 mL / 100 L; 5 - metalaxyl 300 g / 100 L; 6 - azoxystrobin 80 g / ha; 7 - diphenoconazole 50 mL / 100 L. The variables evaluated were severity of tomato blight on leaves, disease control in fruits and total commercial productivity. Based on severity data, the area under the disease progress curve was calculated. In this experiment, all treatment programs were effective in controlling the disease and the treatment program with alternating successions of metalaxyl (300 g / 100 L), metalaxyl + mancozeb (300 g / 100 L + 3.0 kg / ha), mancozeb (3.0 kg / ha), metalaxyl + cuprous oxide (300 g / 100 L + 240g / 100 L), mancozeb (3.0 kg / ha). On leaves, fungicides metalaxyl and ipyridone controlled the disease by 66 and 62% respectively. In fruits, fungicide difenoconazole controlled the disease by 87%. Thus, treatment programs using mixtures and/or alternations of chemicals proved to be efficient for controlling tomato late blight.
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