The moringa is a very versatile plant, having various applications, of which the seeds are a powerful clarifier, and can be used in the treatment of the waters that serve for human use. The objective was to evaluate whether the type of drying and the storage time of the moringa seed influence the treatment of water for human consumption. To evaluate the efficacy in relation to the storage conditions, seeds were collected inside the UFRB Campus and water samples were collected in a dam. The experimental design used was entirely casualized in a 5 x 2 x 2 factorial scheme, with five storage periods (0, 8, 9, 10 and 11 months), two seed conditions (seed with shell and seed without shell) and two drying forms of seed powder (powder with natural drying and oven dry powder). The treatments were evaluated in triplicate for the parameters turbidity, apparent color and pH. The data were compared by Tukey's test at the 5% probability level with statistical program R 3.4.2. It was observed that moringa seeds with bark and kiln droughts provided considerable reduction in water turbidity during the storage periods tested, keeping the pH within the scope of the Ministry of Health Order GM/MS N° 888 of 4 May 2021. For the removal of color, the dried seeds in greenhouses were more efficient up to the eighth month of storage.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sandra Selma Marques de Souza, Raul Oliveira Reis Livio de Abreu, Matheus Pires Quintela, Alessandra Cristina Silva Valentim, Flávia Silva Barbosa
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