
  • Rubi Marcelo de Souza Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Sonia Purin da Cruz UFSC



Garlic crop is highly demanding in terms of fertilization, which increases its production cost, and the search for alternatives that make it possible to maintain production rates at a lower cost and in a sustainable way must be sought. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the response of the garlic crop to coinoculation with Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas fluorescens associated reduced fertilization. The experiment was conducted in Brunópolis - SC in a completely randomized block design with five treatments, where T1: 100% NPK; T2: 75% NPK; T3: 75% NPK + 0.5 L ha-1 of inoculant; T4: 75% NPK + 1.0 L ha-1 of inoculant; T5: 75% NPK + 1.5 L ha-1 of inoculant. Plant height was evaluated at 20, 60 and 110 days, and data at pre-curing period were obtained to determine bulb diameter, fresh plant mass, height, pseudostem diameter and number of leaves. After curing, bulb diameter, number of cloves, bulb mass, shoot mass and yield were evaluated. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means were separated by the Scott-Knott at a 5% probability of error. The variable number of cloves showed the best response to co-inoculation with an average of 6.5 cloves per bulb when using 1.5 L ha-1 inoculant and 75% NPK. Other variables were not affected by co-inoculation. Based on the obtained results, further studies are recommended, given the importance of the culture in different regions of the country, in addition to the need for viable alternatives that make it possible to maintain yield with economy for garlic producers. Inoculation has potential to improve garlic yield features and decrease fertilization, as an important tool in sustainable agriculture.


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