Agroforestry systems, Secondary forests, Litter stock, Litter water retentionAbstract
Agroforestry Systems (AFS) and successional forest ecosystems (SFE) are sustainable alternatives to mitigate the negative effects of agricultural and livestock production developed on a large scale in the municipality of Marabá, Pará. Quantifying the litter stored in the soil and evaluating its physical properties are indispensable techniques for understanding ecosystem functioning and, consequently, identifying the need for intervention. Therefore, the objective of this work was to compare litter stock and water retention capacity (WRC) in an agroforestry system and a secondary forest in the municipality of Marabá, Eastern Amazon. For this, 5 plots of 100 m² were randomly installed in each ecosystem, where 8 samples of litter stored in the soil on April 2021 were collected. Using Student's t test (p<0.05), it was found that litter stock did not differ between ecosystems, although it varied from 8.90 ± 1.70 Mg ha-1 to 10.59 ± 2.98 Mg ha-1 for AFS and SFE, respectively. Furthermore, the SFE had the highest WRC of the litter (161.93 ± 23.57%). The abundance of forest species in the evaluated AFS explain the similarity in the stock, added to the insertion of species of the genus Theobroma, whose main characteristic is the high production of litter. It was found that branches and trunks may be the main responsible for increasing the water retention capacity of the litter in the evaluated ecosystems. In this way, the self-maintenance potential of agroforestry systems in the Amazon was evidenced.
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