Stored grain, antixenosis, Creole seeds.Abstract
Carriers of a wide genetic diversity, native seeds are better adapted to adverse conditions, have low dependence on external inputs, and contribute to the maintenance of agricultural productivity, thus obtaining a better return on production, even in challenging contexts. However, although resistant, they are frequently attacked by the main pest of stored corn, Sitophilus zeamais Mots., 1855 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), which can result in deterioration of grain quality, causing millions of economic losses. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the resistance between 5 different varieties of Creole maize to S. Zeamais, using the determination of food preference (Antixenosis). The bioassays were conducted at the Agricultural and Forestry Entomology Laboratory (LEAF), located at the Agricultural Engineering and Sciences Campus, Rio Largo-AL, where the grains were subjected to different physical conditions. The pairings used were: (I) Whole grains of Caatingueiro x Azteca; (II) Whole grains of Purple Palha x Aztec; (III) Jabutão x Aztec whole grains; (IV) Batité x Aztec whole grains. The data were analyzed using the non-parametric χ2 test and compared by the probability of error at 5%. From the results observed, there was a significant difference only in the combination of Azteca x Caantingueiro in 24h, demonstrating the preference of S. zeamais for Azteca grains. These results can contribute to management strategies and pest control tactics.Translator
Carriers of a wide genetic diversity, native seeds are better adapted to adverse conditions, have low dependence on external inputs, and contribute to the maintenance of agricultural productivity, thus obtaining a better return on production, even in challenging contexts. However, although resistant, they are frequently attacked by the main pest of stored corn, Sitophilus zeamais Mots., 1855 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), which can result in deterioration of grain quality, causing millions of economic losses. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the resistance between 5 different varieties of Creole maize to S. Zeamais, using the determination of food preference (Antixenosis). The bioassays were conducted at the Agricultural and Forestry Entomology Laboratory (LEAF), located at the Agricultural Engineering and Sciences Campus, Rio Largo-AL, where the grains were subjected to different physical conditions. The pairings used were: (I) Whole grains of Caatingueiro x Azteca; (II) Whole grains of Purple Palha x Aztec; (III) Jabutão x Aztec whole grains; (IV) Batité x Aztec whole grains. The data were analyzed using the non-parametric χ2 test and compared by the probability of error at 5%. From the results observed, there was a significant difference only in the combination of Azteca x Caantingueiro in 24h, demonstrating the preference of S. zeamais for Azteca grains. These results can contribute to management strategies and pest control tactics.
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