
  • Keven Silva Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Aline Malta
  • Thaíse Berto
  • Luan Melo
  • João Junior



Clusters, Agricultural seeds, Triticum aestivum , Physiological potential.


Wheat is one of the main cereals cultivated globally with great economic importance. Thus, the use of quality and high-vigor seeds is related to the success of its production. Thus, the objective was to verify the effectiveness of the use of Dendrograms with heat maps to evaluate and rank seed vigor in cultivated wheat varieties. The experimental design was completely randomized, and the treatments consisted of five wheat varieties (BRILHANTE, DUQUE, BRS404, BRS394 and BRS264) and four replicates with 50 seeds. The seeds were sown on Blotting Paper moistened with a volume of distilled water equivalent to 2.5 times the weight of the dry paper, in Transparent Gerbox Boxes (11 cm × 11 cm × 3.5 cm), and placed in the B.O.D. (Biological Oxygen Demand) Incubator for eight days at 20 ºC. The varieties BRS404, BRS264 and DUQUE were presented in the same cluster, and the varieties BRS394 and BRILHANTE, in separate clusters. It was observed in the dendrogram, by the color patterns, and germination and vigor results, that the varieties BRS404, BRS264 and DUQUE presented high vigor, BRS394, medium vigor, and BRILHANTE, low vigor. The Dendrogram allows the practical distinction of seed vigor in wheat varieties, through the heat map.


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VIII Semana da Agronomia - 1º Concurso científico