OVIPOSITION PREFERENCE OF Eueides isabella dianasa (Hüb.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) ON DIFFERENT SPECIES OF Passiflora spp. (Passifloraceae) ABSTRACT: In Brazil, more than 200 native species of passion fruit, Passiflora spp., are recognized. (Passifloraceae). In such a way that passion fruit production faces challenges, mainly due to population outbreaks caused by the subfamily Heliconiinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), with emphasis on the species Eueides isabella dianasa (Hübner) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), which is configured as one of the main phytosanitary challenges for passion fruit cultivation. In this way, the development of efficient Ecological Pest Management (MEP) programs recommends evaluating the source of resistance in the different species used. This oviposition assessment was conducted in an external cage, located at the Agricultural Engineering and Sciences Campus – CECA, Federal University of Alagoas – UFAL. 54 females and 66 males of E. isabella dianasa were used, tested on passion fruit species - Passiflora spp. – Passiflora edulis Sims, Passiflora alata Curtis, and Passiflora cincinnata Mast. Each species had 10 replications with branches between 25 and 30 cm, with observation of oviposition for three days. On the first day, a total of 360 eggs were counted; in the second, 451 eggs; and, in the third, 372 eggs. E. isabella dianasa showed a greater oviposition preference for P. edulis, followed by P. cincinnata, and a lower preference for P. alata. It was found that P. edulis showed greater susceptibility to oviposition by E. isabella dianasa, while P. alata showed resistance. KEYWORDS: Passion fruit; Plant resistance; Management.


  • Ana Carolina Tavares dos Santos Universidade Federal de Alagoas - Centro de Ciências Agrárias (CECA)
  • Mariana Oliveira Breda CECA/UFAL
  • Anderson Rodrigues Sabino CECA/UFAL
  • Camila Alexandre Cavalcante de Almeida CECA/UFAL




passion fruit, plant resistance, Management


In Brazil, more than 200 native species of passion fruit, Passiflora spp., are recognized. (Passifloraceae). In such a way that passion fruit production faces challenges, mainly due to population outbreaks caused by the subfamily Heliconiinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), with emphasis on the species Eueides isabella dianasa (Hübner) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), which is configured as one of the main phytosanitary challenges for passion fruit cultivation. In this way, the development of efficient Ecological Pest Management (MEP) programs recommends evaluating the source of resistance in the different species used. This oviposition assessment was conducted in an external cage, located at the Agricultural Engineering and Sciences Campus – CECA, Federal University of Alagoas – UFAL. 54 females and 66 males of E. isabella dianasa were used, tested on passion fruit species - Passiflora spp. – Passiflora edulis Sims, Passiflora alata Curtis, and Passiflora cincinnata Mast. Each species had 10 replications with branches between 25 and 30 cm, with observation of oviposition for three days. On the first day, a total of 360 eggs were counted; in the second, 451 eggs; and, in the third, 372 eggs. E. isabella dianasa showed a greater oviposition preference for P. edulis, followed by P. cincinnata, and a lower preference for P. alata. It was found that P. edulis showed greater susceptibility to oviposition by E. isabella dianasa, while P. alata showed resistance.


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