
  • Vitor França Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Samuel Santana CECA/UFAL
  • Janynne Joyce de Lima Rocha CECA/UFAL
  • Daniel Matsinhe CECA/UFAL
  • Leonara Figueiroa CECA/UFAL
  • Maria Silva CECA/UFAL
  • Miguel junior CECA/UFAL
  • Yara Silva CECA/UFAL
  • Naely Silva CECA/UFAL
  • Roseane Trindade CECA/UFAL




Alternative control, bioacaricide, lethal effect


The cassava green mite, Mononychelus tanajoa (Acari: Tetranychidae), is considered a key pest in cassava crops and the use of organosynthetic acaricides is the main form of control of this pest, which causes several environmental problems, such as selection of resistant populations, in addition to being non-selective. The search for alternative control methods is increasingly necessary to minimize such problems. Therefore, the objective of this work was to test the toxicity of citronella essential oil, Cymbopogon nardus (Poaceae), on M. tanajoa. Five treatments were used: 1.5; 2.5; 5.5 and 6.5μL, in addition to the control (water + 0.05% Tween) in a Petri dish containing a cassava leaf coated with a culture medium consisting of 10% water agar. On this agar layer, 5 discs were made in each Petri dish, which corresponded to the 5 replications of each treatment. The Petri dishes were sprayed with different essential oil treatments, using the Potter tower. After drying, ten M. Tanajoa females were inoculated in each arena. Mite mortality was verified after 24 hours and data was analyzed using the statistical program Sisvar version 5.6. The results demonstrated that concentrations of 1.5 and 2.5 μL/mL did not differ statistically from each other, however, they differed from the highest concentrations of 5.5 and 6.5 μL/mL. All concentrations tested showed a low mortality rate. The two highest concentrations controlled the mite, resulting in approximately 40% mortality. This demonstrates the need to adjust concentrations to achieve better effective control for M. tanajoa.


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AGROFIT. Disponível em: https ://www.não .g.br. Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.

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