
  • Maria Helena Faustinoni Bruno Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná
  • Paulo Frezato Neto Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná
  • Maria Aparecida da Fonseca Sorace Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná
  • Elisete Aparecida Fernandes Osipi Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná
  • Conceição Aparecida Cossa Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná



Germinative growth, Emergence Speed Index, Lentil, Seedlings, Seeds


The objective of this work was to analyze the effects of substrates and biostimulant in the germination and development of lentils. Each treatment contained 4 repetitions, there were valued rate of speed of germination, height of the plants, length of root and pesos of dry mass of root and air part.  The treatments were containing the substrates ground, sand and pie of filter and combinations, and from these substrates also treatments were valued with half a dose and dose of a bioestimulante. The data were subjected the analysis of variance and subsequent Test of Tukey to 5 % of signification in the software SASM AGRI. The treatments did not affect the percentage of emergence of the seeds. The use of the bioestimulante in the recommended dose and of the filter Pie they appeared promising in the height of the air part of the plantules, however they did not affect the length of root and the dry mass of the air part, the weight of the dry mass of root was already affected with way doses of the bioestimulant.


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