Wall of palpitations: a manifesto of mothers at university


  • Regiany Alves Carvalho Universidade Federal de Uberlância
  • Daniela Franco Carvalho Universidade Federal de Uberlândia




Mothers, University, Manifest, Narrative


Wall of palpitations is a manifesto in order to reflect the barriers that arise daily in the lives of women in the academic environment as a result of motherhood. With a methodological basis in narrative research, we seek to understand their trajectories in academia. The narrative of each one illustrates the experiences in this environment as mothers, as well as their greatest difficulties during the journey to remain in the course. The potential of these women's testimonies allowed reflections on the encounter between Leontiev and Angela Davis. In addition, the reports culminated in the composition of a Manifest Letter, with narratives from me and each of the Marys.



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