
  • Alcemir Nabir Kowal
  • Thalia Aparecida Silva Maciel
  • Thuany Aparecida Levandoski Jansen
  • Rabechlt Stange Almeida
  • Eduarda Schmidt
  • Eduardo Virmond Souza Farias
  • Otávio Frederico Tschoeke Steidel
  • Rodrigo Palinguer
  • Kelly Eduarda Demetrio
  • Caroline de Souza Wisniewski
  • Douglas Wurz UDESC




Vitis labrusca L., vegetative canopy, chemical composition


Brazilian viticulture has a wide range of varieties and producing regions. The ‘Bordô’ variety stands out in national production due to its destination for the production of red table wines and natural juices, which are more appreciated by Brazilians. The Northern Plateau region of the state of Santa Catarina has favorable soil and climate conditions for viticulture, however, it lacks information about the necessary management in the region. Thus, the present study sought to evaluate the effect of defoliation management on the agronomic performance of 'Bordô' vine cultivated in the northern plateau of Santa Catarina. For this, five treatments were carried out, determined in randomized blocks, which consisted of different defoliation times, namely, T1 = Full bloom, T2 = Chumbinho grain, T3 = Pea grain, T4 = Color change and T5 = Control. The work was carried out in the municipality of Canoinhas/SC, in a commercial vineyard of the ‘Bordô’ variety under “VR 043-43” rootstock, with 3.0 x 1.5 m spacing, conducted in manger and mixed pruning system, in the 2022/2023 harvest. Variables bunch mass, bunch length, number of berries per bunch, berry diameter, compaction index, mass of 50 berries, soluble solids, total titratable acidity and pH were evaluated. Among analyzed variables, T5 treatment presented higher bunch mass and pH; the mass of 50 berries obtained lower values in T2 and T3, while T3 and T4 treatments presented higher total acidity values. Thus, it appears that defoliation management in conjunction with standard pruning results in excessive reduction in leaf area, causing little or no interference in the variables analyzed. Thus, new defoliation trials associated or not with other vegetative canopy management should be carried out in the region.


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