
  • Yara Da Silva Centro de ciências agrárias (UFAL) Rio largo
  • Aleska da Silva CECA/UFAL
  • Naely de Lima Silva CECA/UFAL
  • Luan Henrique Netter CECA/UFAL
  • Samuel Farias Santana CECA/UFAL
  • Maria Sabrina Silva CECA/UFAL
  • Diego Jorge da Silva CECA/UFAL
  • Janynne Joyce Rocha CECA/UFAL
  • Vitor dos Santos CECA/UFAL
  • Jheckson Billy da Silva CECA/UFAL
  • Roseane Cristina Predes Trindade CECA/UFAL



Pests, Essencial oil, cochineal, Alternative control


Planococcus citri, known as mealybug, is a pest that affects crops such as citrus and grapevines, causing damage to plants and reducing production. Although chemical control, with the use of specific insecticides, is widely used, its indiscriminate use can lead to the development of resistance in the pest, reducing the effectiveness of the products. The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of fennel, peppermint, cloves, citronella and lemongrass essential oils on P. citri nymphs. The bioassays were conducted at the Laboratory of Alternative Pest Control Entomology (LECAP) of the Federal University of Alagoas (CECA/UFAL), in Rio Largo, AL. Five replicates were performed per treatment, with 10 nymphs per replicate. At a concentration of 30 μL/mL, each replicate received 2.3 mL of the respective treatment with the help of the Potter's tower. After 48 hours, the number of dead nymphs was evaluated. Most of the essential oils, at the tested concentration, showed efficacy in the mortality of P. citri nymphs.


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