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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The official and accepted languages for publication in the Revista Iberoamericana de Turismo are Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, and English.

Thus, the originals submitted to the journal must follow Brazilian scientific documentation standards for Brazilian authors, or the scientific documentation standards of the country of origin (which may be adapted by the journal's reviewers to Brazilian standards), paying attention, in all cases, to what these guidelines stipulate, as follows.

In particular, the Brazilian scientific documentation standards refer to the following publications from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT): NBR 6022 - Presentation of articles from periodic publications, NBR 6023 - Bibliographic references, NBR 6024 - Progressive numbering of sections of a document, NBR 6028 - Abstracts, NBR 10520 - Presentation of citations in documents, in addition to the tabular presentation standards of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics Foundation (IBGE).

The maximum number of authors per article for the Revista Iberoamericana de Turismo is 5 (five).

The Revista Iberoamericana de Turismo prioritizes the evaluation of submissions from authors with a postgraduate degree at the Stricto Sensu level (Masters and Doctors or equivalents in foreign countries). Submissions from authors with only undergraduate degrees, postgraduate degrees at the Lato Sensu level, or undergraduate or postgraduate students will also be evaluated, provided that the respective advisors indicate their shared responsibility as co-authors. In any case, it should be noted that the journal encourages and prioritizes the publication of original and unpublished submissions of scientific quality that contribute to the proposed field, under individual or collective authorship, with at least one author holding a postgraduate degree at the Stricto Sensu level.

Attention should be given to the maximum limit of pages for the originals submitted: Articles - up to 30 pages; Points of View - up to 10 pages; Reviews - up to 5 pages.

The titles of the articles submitted to the Revista Iberoamericana de Turismo must necessarily be in lowercase letters, except for the first letter of the title and the initials of proper names. Examples: "Art and museology for tourism in the 18th century," or "The contribution of researcher Neide Coriolano to Brazilian scientific thought in Tourism."

For all authors, Brazilian or not, the originals must be submitted electronically through the SEER system after user registration as an AUTHOR. Only the Microsoft Word format: DOCX will be accepted. Specifications: A4 size (21cm X 29.7cm), single line spacing, font size 12 Times New Roman, margins 3cm for the right, left, and top, and 2.75cm for the bottom.

The first page must contain the section to which the original is destined, the title, the abstract, and the keywords - up to a limit of five - in both Portuguese or Spanish and in English. Author identification data must be submitted directly to the OJS system and not in the document of the originals.

Article files containing any author identification will not be accepted for evaluation.

In the case of articles, they must present an abstract (in Portuguese or Spanish, according to the language used for the submitted originals) and an abstract accompanied by the respective keywords and keywords, along with the title in English. It is recommended that the abstracts be a maximum of 300 words.

Photos, illustrations, figures, graphs, tables, flowcharts, drawings, etc., with their respective order number and title, should only be used when essential for the clarity of the text, with the mention of the original source when previously published. Photos, illustrations, figures, tables, etc. should be inserted in the text in black and white or grayscale, in an appropriate location near their citation and not at the end of the document as attachments. Footnotes or endnotes should be avoided. Only on the first page, footnotes are recommended to indicate received assistance, origin of the work, presentation at events, or similar notes, when necessary.

Acknowledgments for assistance received by the author(s) may be mentioned at the end of the original.

Works submitted to the Revista Iberoamericana de Turismo must necessarily be original and unpublished, not under evaluation in any other means of dissemination and scientific communication, such as journals, books, or conference proceedings. As an exception, articles presented at scientific congresses and published in their initial versions in their proceedings may be submitted, provided that they have not been previously published in full in a journal or book. In this case, authors must inform the editors of the journal of this situation and await a response regarding the decision on the continuation of the evaluation process with the journal. Only the editors of the journal have the initial decision referred to here, which may expand the final evaluation of their decision with the participation of the Scientific Committee of RITUR, in observance of the need for dissemination of materials that broaden knowledge and communication in areas of recognized innovative quality, cutting-edge research, high complexity, or extreme deficiency in scientific dissemination. Thus, there are no initial guarantees that such submissions may be evaluated for possible publication in the journal, as previously outlined.

It is recommended to submit supplementary documents along with the originals through the SEER system when necessary (e.g., datasets, research instruments, among others).


  • Foreign words - italicized only, without quotes
  • Words used in a figurative sense - italicized with quotes
  • Ordinal numbers up to nine - spelled out
  • Ordinal numbers ten and above - only the numeral
  • Abbreviations/acronyms - on first use, the expression must be spelled out, followed by a hyphen and the abbreviation/acronym. Thereafter, only the abbreviation/acronym should be used
  • Citation system used: Author-Year-Page. Example: Mundet (2009, p. 123); (MUNDET, 2009, p. 123)
  • Presentation of literal citations - distinguish between short citations (inserted in the paragraph; in quotes) and long citations (in a separate paragraph, 4 cm to the left; single space; font 11; without quotes)
  • Verb tense - standardize, whenever possible, using the present tense preferentially
  • Grammatical person - standardize the person, allowing authors to use the first person singular, first person plural, or third person singular, without using two forms.

Melhores Trabalhos Congresso Internacional Turismo, História e Património

Seção direcionada aos autores dos melhores trabalhos selecionados do Congresso Internacional Turismo, História e Património, Cascais, Portugal, 2021.

Dossiê "Museus, Turismo e Sociedade"

Seção destinada a submissão de artigos de autores especialistas expressamente convidados pelo Comitê Editorial da revista para composição do Dossiê "Museus, Turismo e Sociedade", a ser publicado no segundo semestre do ano de 2022.

Somente para autores convidados.


Representam esforço teórico ou teórico-prático de integração dos conhecimentos alcançados numa determinada área do Turismo em determinado momento. Propiciam visão panorâmica e seletiva de resultados acumulados e fornecem análise crítica consistente capaz de suscitar novas pesquisas e perspectivas. Tanto podem se caracterizar como Artigos de Revisão, Relatos de Pesquisa ou Relatos de Experiência. Máximo de 30 laudas.


Configuram-se como apreciação e análise crítica e interpretativa de cada parte e de cada capítulo de obras recém-lançadas, cabendo ao resenhista toda a liberdade de julgamento, escrita sob elaboração de um único autor. Para Resenhas, referências ao final são desnecessárias, desaconselhando-se auto-citação. A única referência obrigatória a ser utilizada deve ser a própria obra resenhada. Máximo de 5 laudas.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.