Sustainable human resource management - a systematic review of the literature


  • Lyvia Camila Fernandes Madruga Barros UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE
  • Leilianne Michelle Trindade da Silva Barreto Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Sustainable Human Resource Management, Sustainability, Human Resource, Tourism, Hospitality


This study analyzed the scientific production related to the theme of Sustainable Human Resources Management, in the Capes Journal Portal databases and on the Web of Science. The aim was to establish research themes, methods, approaches and contexts, with the aim of developing a better understanding of the state of the art and research gaps. As methodological support, the systematic literature review process proposed by Tranfield, Denyer and Smart (2003) was used. Searches were made using combinations of terms used in Portuguese and English. Publications that were peer-reviewed and their full texts were available for reading being analyzed. Thus, the research is classified as descriptive and qualitative. The search resulted in a sample of 81 articles, of which only 54 met the prerequisites defined in the methodology and were analyzed. As a result of this research, the interest in the theme was identified from the year 2012, with the years 2019 and 2020 being the ones with the highest concentration of productions. Regarding the countries that published the most, China and Slovakia dominate the productions on the subject. Observing the methodology used in the surveys, there is a preference for quantitative surveys and the questionnaire is the most used data collection technique. Scientific journals were found and the one with the highest concentration of these findings was Sustainability, providing 34 articles. By raising the themes addressed in the surveys, it was possible to observe the preference of publications using the terms: sustainable human resources management, sustainability, satisfaction, organization and involvement. It is concluded that this investigation brings advances to the area of ​​Human Resource Management as well as to the tourism segment, as the research points to benefits both for the academic community and for organizations that wish to implement this management model. Finally, it is expected that from the gaps presented in this research, it will be possible to carry out future research to fill them.

Author Biography

Leilianne Michelle Trindade da Silva Barreto , Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

PhD in Administration (2011) from the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting at the University of São Paulo (FEA/USP). Master in Administration (2007) and Bachelor in Tourism (2005) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). She served as Municipal Secretary of Tourism for Tibau do Sul. She is currently a professor at the Department of Tourism at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Tourism - PPGTUR/UFRN. Editor of the Contemporary Tourism Magazine - RTC. She serves as deputy leader of the Study Group on Tourism Management (GESTUR / UFRN). She has experience in the Tourism field, with an emphasis on Events. She is a researcher in the areas of Tourism and People Management.


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