Estudio bibliométrico sobre la gobernanza y la sostenibilidad en el turismo


  • Carlos Mario Amaya Molinar Universidad de Colima


bibliometrics, governance, sustainability, tourism, publications, authors


The purpose of this paper is to determine the importance of research and publications on the relationship between governance and sustainability in tourism. The methodology used is bibliometric analysis; to perform the work, the bibliometric tools of Scopus, SCImago and VOS Viewer were used. A total of 532 documents published between 1995 and 2023 were analyzed for indicators on publications, type of documents, authors, collaboration, terms mentioned in abstracts and keywords, publications by country, and financial support for studies on the subject. The results of the study show that the historical evolution of publications on the subject of governance for the sustainable management of tourism is relevant for scientific knowledge today, complying with the basic laws of bibliometrics. The content of the analyzed works demonstrates that governance for sustainability in tourism presents a very delicate dynamic balance that requires the continuous participation and attention of the agents interested in the management of tourist destinations.

Author Biography

Carlos Mario Amaya Molinar, Universidad de Colima

PhD in Tourism, Law and Business from the University of Girona, Master in Finance from the University of Colima and Graduate in Sociology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Member of the National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). Diplomas in: Training Evaluation, Public Policies and Local Government, 21st Century Teachers, Tourism Management, ICT Agents and Curriculum Design at the undergraduate level. Academic stays carried out at the Polytechnic Universities of Hong Kong, Barcelona and Central Florida. Postdoctoral Studies at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Baja California state, Mexico. Professor of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the areas of marketing, finance, research and management of tourist destinations at various universities, with extensive participation in staff training events. He has extensive work experience in marketing, sales, tourist operations and management areas in public organizations. Management experience in public, private and university organizations, as well as consulting to public, private and social organizations. Initiator of the area of tourism studies at the University of Colima. Participant in national and international research teams. Author and co-author of numerous books, articles and papers on competitiveness, business management, information and communication technologies, marketing and management of tourist destinations. Lecturer and speaker at national and international events.


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