Teacher training and pedagogical practice for teaching mathematics in the transition process from the 5th to the 6th year of elementary education
Teacher training, Pedagogical practice, Teaching MathematicsAbstract
The article discusses the role of the pedagogue regarding the teaching of Mathematics in the transition process from the 5th to the 6th year of Elementary School and the conflicts faced by this professional in the teaching-learning process, as well as the reflection on the educational methodologies and the pedagogical spaces used for the insertion and construction of mathematical knowledge by the students. This study was developed through a qualitative approach, supported by documents and literature review. The locus of the research was the Onélia Campelo, located in the Santos Dumont neighborhood in Maceió – Al, in Maceió – Al. This work made it possible to observe the existence of difficulties in the dialogue between elementary school educators regarding the teaching of mathematics, associated with the short time reserved for it and the expectations of students and the community regarding the theme.
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