
  • Carlos Eugênio Ataíde Costa Melo Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL
  • Allysson Firmino de França Farias Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Lucas Tenório Carmo do Nascimento Bezerra Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Daniel Augusto Monteiro de Barros Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Ticiano Gomes do Nascimento Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Maria Aline Barros Fidelis de Moura Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL


Mercúrio, Intoxicação exógena, Indígena, Ribeirinhos, Mídias


The mercury is a heavy metal that causes acute and cumulative toxicological damage, including neurotoxicity in humans. It affects animals and contaminates the environment. It is known that everyone is susceptible, but the most vulnerable populations are riverine and indigenous communities, due to environmental exposure and a diet rich in contaminated fish. This study aimed to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) on mercury poisoning in Brazil, with emphasis on riverine and indigenous populations. In addition to gathering data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan) and the Ministry of Health (MS), aiming to disseminate them through health education on the Instagram page of the Toxicological Information Center of Ufal (CITox Ufal). The methodology was divided into three parts to achieve the established objective: 1) SLR; 2) Secondary epidemiological survey in Sinan and MS; and 3) Posting about mercury on @citoxufal. It was observed that, according to Sinan, from 2012 to 2022, Brazil reported a total of 2,463 notifications of metal poisoning, with the highest incidence in 2019. Meanwhile, the Epidemiological Bulletin of Health Surveillance from the MS states that Brazil recorded 1,103 cases of exogenous intoxication, specifically due to mercury, from 2006 to 2021. In terms of scientific dissemination, the post about mercury served as a trigger for discussion, inducing the exchange of academic knowledge with society. Finally, the extensionist work of CITox Ufal was achieved, emphasizing the importance of popularizing science to promote people's health.

Keywords: Mercury. Exogenous intoxication. Indigenous. Riparian communities. Media.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Eugênio Ataíde Costa Melo, Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL

Estudante de Farmácia (ICF-UFAL). Extensionista do CITox/GPTox/UFAL.

Allysson Firmino de França Farias, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Farmacêutico. Mestrando PPGCF - Ufal. Extensionista do CITox/GPTox/Ufal.

Lucas Tenório Carmo do Nascimento Bezerra, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Farmacêutico. Mestrando PPGCF - Ufal. 

Daniel Augusto Monteiro de Barros, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Relações Públicas - Ufal. Professor do Centro Universitário CESMAC. Doutorando em Educação pelo PPGE-Ufal.

Ticiano Gomes do Nascimento, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Professor Doutor -  Associado - Universidade Federal de Alagoas.

Maria Aline Barros Fidelis de Moura, Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL

Docente da UFAL da graduação de Farmácia.


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How to Cite

Ataíde Costa Melo, C. E., Firmino de França Farias, A., Tenório Carmo do Nascimento Bezerra, L., Monteiro de Barros, D. A., Gomes do Nascimento, T., & Barros Fidelis de Moura, M. A. (2024). EXOGENOUS MERCURY POISONING IN BRAZIL: A PUBLICATION THROUGH CITOX, A UFAL EXTENSION PROGRAM.: EXOGENOUS MERCURY POISONING IN BRAZIL: A PUBLICATION THROUGH CITOX, A UFAL EXTENSION PROGRAM. REVISTA ELETRÔNICA EXTENSÃO EM DEBATE, 13(18). Retrieved from https://seer.ufal.br/index.php/extensaoemdebate/article/view/16506

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