Cotidiano e Pós-modernismo
a ética da vida social em Agnes Heller
Agnes Heller; Budapest school; Post-modernism; Cultural sociologyAbstract
This article is inspired by the reflections of the Hungarian philosopher Agnes Heller (representative of the so-called Budapest School), especially in two of his works: "Policies of the postmodernity" (1989) and “The quotidian and the history” in 1970. We are less interested in his debt to Marxist thought, from which originates his work, as a disciple of George Lukacs, but rather the circumstances of complex human relations as a dialectic between life and daily life. We think that the heterogeneous aspect of Heller's speech, without any universal hierarchy (in her words), is a statement (withoutabsolutism) of the postmodern theories of “decentring of the man” (Hall), “weak thinking” (Vattimo) or “elective affinities” (Maffesoli), among other theorists of this hermeneutic-phenomenological approach
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